Choose your Plan

You can choose any plan that you like, but we recommend a consultation with Taylor before you start.

Pay As You Go

30 Minute Session
Pay as you go personal training session


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Pay As You Go

60 Minute Session
Pay as you go personal training session


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Nutrition Plan

This will be a detailed nutrition plan.
It will be specific to you and it will be inline with your goals that you want to achieve.
A consultation will be included with this.
It can be done online or in person.


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Personal Training Packages

All packages run for 6 weeks.
The packages are at a slight discount as opposed to pay as you.
There is an option of a payment plan.
Each package consists of a full nutrition plan specific to you and your goals.
There will also will be a weekly weigh in to make sure your on the right track to reaching your goals.
You will also receive specific training programs which will be emailed to you each week.

2 X 30 Min Sessions Per Week - 6 weeks - €345

2 X 1 Hour Sessions Per Week - 6 weeks - €580

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Buddy Personal Training

All packages run for 6 weeks.
There is an option of a payment plan.
Each package consists of a full nutrition plan specific to you and your goals.
There will also will be a weekly weigh in to make sure you're on the right track to reaching your goals.
You will also receive specific training programs which will be emailed to you each week.
Even though you will be training with your friend/partner that does not mean that you will both receive the same nutrition/training plan.
We are all individual so your workouts and nutrition plans will be still made specific for each individual.

2 X 30 Min Sessions Per Week - 6 weeks - €480 (€240 each)

2 X 1 Hour Sessions Per Week - 6 weeks - €600 (€300 each)

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Outdoor Training/ House Visits

If you are still uncomfortable entering a gym environment I provide outdoor training or house visits. Equipment will be provided.

  • 1 person for an hour €50
  • 2 people for an hour €60(€30 each)
  • 3 people for an hour €60(€20 each)
  • 4 people or more for an hour €15 each
  • get in touch

    Have a Question?

    If you are unsure what workout or training program is better for you or would like to discuss, email Taylor.

    Contact Taylor